I’m Sharikul. A twenty-something somebody from London, United Kingdom. When I’m not lazying around, I spend a lot of time pushing myself to see this thing we call reality “as clearly as possible”. You can imagine, it is a lot of work, and easily an avenue into pretentiousness if not balanced with introspection and deep questioning of my conclusions.

I blog about some thoughts that have arisen due to these deep thinking activities and physical experiences I have experienced to share what I feel is shareable, and to help me clarify what exactly I think I am thinking.

I am also good at programming, whether it be a spreadsheet or something more technical. I can fluently write HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. By fluently, I mean I can understand what problem I am wanting to solve with these languages and figure out how to solve a problem using the languages .. which brings me onto an interest in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

You can find out more about my thoughts and my reasons for having an interest in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence by clicking the link in the navigation, or this.

I blog exclusively on WordPress, again link in the navigation or here, because I’ve been on there for a couple of years and I prefer the interface for strictly blogging purposes.

All the ways you can communicate with me can be found on the homepage through the icon links.

Thank you for reading.

P.S. in mid 2020 I wrote up a post about my thoughts on machine learning and AI, which you can read here. Decided to take it down from the navigation bar to make space for new links.