I’ve created some projects over the years as can be found on GitHub, so I thought I’d gather some to give some background on them.

NameYear CreatedDescriptionLink(s)
FuncJS2012-2013FuncJS was inspired by jQuery and is a library of 14 functions to help with formatting, data manipulation, and validation. I believe this was the first project I pushed onto GitHub.https://github.com/sharikul/FuncJS
LivePreview2013LivePreview is a quick HTML and CSS previewing tool inspired by CodePen. At the time of making this, I was quite well-versed with Regular Expressions so the CSS box contains a custom built functionality for variables similar to SCSS and SASS.https://github.com/sharikul/LivePreview // https://livepreview.netlify.app/
JSLib2013Similar to FuncJS, this is a library of 13 functions to help with formatting, data manipulation, and validation, and was created as a more similar-to-jQuery library than FuncJS ended up being, so while there are relatively fewer functions, the capabilities of each function is deeper than the functions in FuncJS. Admittedly, in the eight years that have passed, some functionality (especially with ‘document’ functions) is broken, I think due to changes to JavaScript. Link is also in the navigation bar.https://github.com/sharikul/JSLib // http://sharikul.github.io/JSLib/
Query.php2013A PHP SQL querying class, made when I was frequently working with PHP.https://github.com/sharikul/Query.php
Scope.js2014Simple HTML scoping. Admittedly 7 years on I’m not sure why I made this.https://github.com/sharikul/Scope.js
BlogPad2014Blogging tool inspired by WordPress. Outdated in 2021 so would not recommend using for security reasons.https://github.com/sharikul/BlogPad
F.js201555 functions in JavaScript to help with formatting, data manipulation, and validation. Inspired by FuncJS and JSLib.https://github.com/sharikul/F.js
wageCalc.js2018/2021A JavaScript function I made to calculate pay from shift work by taking in hourly rate and hours worked as input. Made while I was working part-time at Sainsbury’s so was more relevant back then than it is now. In 2021 I made a demo website which provided a calculator form which sent the inputs to the function and returned its output on screen. Link is also in the navigation bar.https://github.com/sharikul/wageCalc.js // https://wagecalculator.netlify.app/